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Spiritual Life

Our campus community is designed to encourage each individual to shine in the light of Christ. At Spring Arbor University, everything we do is rooted in faith. Together, we worship in Chapel, study scripture in small groups and engage our local community and the world through outreach ministries. Our faith is shared, but our journeys are as unique as we are.

Chapel at SAU

Worship, pray, and learn in community
Spring Arbor Visual
Spring Arbor Visual
Spring Arbor Visual

Twice-weekly Chapel services bring our community together for an hour of worship, prayer and hearing the Word. Though Chapel is required for students living on campus, most students say attending Chapel is one of their favorite parts of life at SAU.

Our Chapel Band is student led. Our speakers are pastors, entrepreneurs, professors and missionaries, handpicked by our Chaplain to bring their message to our community.

Watch previous and live Chapel services at

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Fellowship Groups & Events

At SAU, our spiritual life is centered around giving you opportunities to learn, grow and live out your faith in unique ways that impact the world around you. Spiritual life at SAU includes events for you to worship and pray, connect with others, and deepen your faith as well as opportunities to serve others in a ministry setting.


A once-weekly Chapel-after-dark, DEEPER is a time for students to worship and pray together. Each week, a different student brings the Word!

Gospel Choir

Clap, shout and sing your heart out in praise! Gospel Choir is open to anyone who loves to make some joyful noise.

Spiritual Life Retreat

Spend a weekend away from campus worshipping and studying the Word with peers. This retreat is all about spiritual development — and quality time in fellowship!

Outreach Ministries

We strengthen our faith by living in community. An outpouring of our faith is meeting the needs of our neighbors. We want to share the light of Christ by meeting those needs locally and globally.

Interfaith Food Bank

Interfaith Shelter

Minister to the homeless within our local community during weekly trips to the Jackson Interfaith Shelter.

Jackson Interfaith Shelter
Global Flags

Spring Break Mission Trips

Pick your destination and dedicate your spring break to Kingdom work! Each year, SAU sends several spring break mission trip groups to locations across the country.