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Italy (Rome, Assisi, Venice) May 2025

COR 375 Dave Hopper

$2,700 student cost*

*Cost with the CCS Subsidy. The $200 nonrefundable application fee is not included in this amount. The CCS Subsidy applies to 1st CCS program only. Travel extensively in the country by train, the way Italians and other Europeans do.

Learning-intensive activities may include


Italy is known for its “integrative” approach to education. We study how all subject matters are processed through a cross-discipline lens.


Civic participation is a hallmark of what it is to be Italian! As a result, there are now over 14 political parties with representation in the government and, since the end of World War II, there have been 69 different administrations! We observe how the seeming chaos of the political system somehow functions to make Italy one of the freest countries on Earth.


The mixed economy of Italy (capitalism/ socialism “lite”) makes for a wonderful venue for exploring the big cultural ideas, such as prosperity, compassion, economic freedom, mutuality, personal responsibility, collectivism/ individualism, and motivation to reach across “tribal” boundaries.


The Roman church has had a great influence in shaping Italian culture. Visit the Vatican and stay in a convent to better understand religious life in Italy. Discover how growing secularism and a rapidly rising Muslim minority have made Italy once again a major mission field for the cause of Christ.

Other Highlights May Include

  • Discovering the rich cultural heritage of Italy.
  • Visiting Rome, Pompeii, Florence, Venice, and other exciting places.
  • Experiencing Milan, where the world’s 4th largest Gothic Cathedral sits in the middle of the fashion district.
  • Exploring Castelrotto in the Dolomites, a mountainous region near the Austrian border, where German is spoken.
  • Learning about the history and impact of the Renaissance.
  • Reveling in the Umbrian hill town of Assisi and picturesque La Cinque Terre, five colorful cities nestled along the Mediterranean coast.
A field with greenery and in the distance is a large mountain.

Travel Information

Departure Dates

May 2025 experiences will begin sometime during the week following the projected May commencement date and will last several weeks. Students should not make irreversible plans until their departure date is confirmed by the CCS office in February 2025.

Health and Safety

This experience, like all CCS experiences, is subject to political and safety realities at the time of departure. CCS options can be physically and emotionally intense and stretching. Before enrolling, all participants should consult the disclosures on Physical Hardships of CCS. For more details on recommended immunizations consult the immunizations chart. Passports required at additional cost.

Trip Costs

Students are responsible for tuition for COR374 and COR375, as well as a $200 nonrefundable application fee. In addition, there is the $2,700 travel cost for the 2025 CCS Italy trip. A current passport is required. CCS trips are not guaranteed and are subject to change.