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Power Of Wisdom

Since our founding in 1873, Spring Arbor University’s unique approach to education results in our graduates acting as critical participants in their world. We accomplish this in a fairly simplistic manner. Even though we are an academic institution, SAU is not solely focused on knowledge acquisition. We don’t believe that knowledge and skill acquisition comprises the totality of an educated person.

Allow me to clarify: Spring Arbor University prepares students well in the area of academic preparation. In fact, we offer more than 70 undergraduate majors and programs, nine degree completion programs and 12 graduate programs. With programs presented on campus, online and on site at various locations throughout Michigan and in Ohio, we continue to meet the growing needs of our students. Every single student enrolled at Spring Arbor University receives an education of the highest quality. They are challenged in their intellect and their critical thinking, and they grow and learn within their field of study in immense ways.

However, if intelligence paired with a degree is all students have gained from their time here at SAU, we have failed in our mission. At the core of this university, we are deeply invested in transforming our students to become people of wisdom, which is achieved when a student is pushed beyond mere knowledge acquisition to knowledge application. As a family of believers, we desire great academic preparation, but we also have a passion to fuse that with an unapologetic commitment to Christ as our perspective for learning, and bring that together in a manner that impacts the world for Christ and His kingdom. That mindset is integrated right into the fabric of who we are as an institution and is what creates our unique educational experience.

We help our students own their faith, grow in their faith and become solid and grounded in their faith so they can speak the truth to a world that desperately needs to hear of Christ’s love and Christ’s redemption. Wisdom helps students utilize their intellect, their expertise and their passion and giftedness in this world. Wisdom is applying knowledge in a manner and way that influences the world for Christ.

Our university represents a healthy community of believers who are willing and eager to learn not only how to acquire knowledge, but how to use that knowledge in Christ-honoring ways. Our commitment to Christ as the main focus of our lives directs us to use the gifts we have been given, to implement our intellect and education in order to be active participants in the world around us. Wisdom is what Spring Arbor University has pursued since its beginning. It’s why we stand distinct as an institution of higher learning.