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Student Financial Services FAQ

Check out our list of frequently asked questions to see if your answer has already been answered here. This page has two FAQ sections: one for traditional on-campus undergraduates and another for our adult degree completion and graduate students.

Undergraduate Students


How do I review a copy of my statement?

Log in to MySAU. Choose the “Student” tab and then go to “View My Balance/Statement”

What is the difference between Current Balance and Anticipated Account Balance?

Current Balance is the amount reflected on your student account at that time. Anticipated Account Balance is the amount that is expected after pending financial aid.

Why is the amount of student loan applied to my student account less than the amount I borrowed?

Loan fees are deducted prior to disbursement of a loan to SAU. Loan fees are charged by the government to cover costs associated with supporting the federal loan program.

Why does my balance show a minus sign (-) in front of it?

This indicates that we anticipate that there will be an overage on your student account once loans, grants, scholarships, etc. are posted.

What is the tuition rate?

For the most up to date information regarding tuition, visit the tuition and fees page.


How do I make a payment?

Payment can be made the following ways:

  • At the main campus business office
  • Mailed to the Business Office at P.O. Box 219, Spring Arbor, Michigan 49283
  • Pay online

When is my payment due?

Payment is due 7 days prior to the first day of class within the semester.

Can I make monthly payments on my student account balance?

An interest free, automated semester payment plan is available through CASHNET.  A $30 non-refundable enrollment fee is due upon submission.


How will I receive my credit balance?

Spring Arbor University delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit:

Why hasn’t my credit balance been released to BMTX, Inc.?

Please verify that you have completed MPN and EC, as they are required before a student loan may be completed.  If completed, and you still have questions, please contact [email protected] for an update.


How do I contact the Financial Aid Office?

You can reach the Office of Financial Aid by calling 517.750.2900

How do I file my FAFSA?

FAFSA is different this year. Learn more about what to expect on our FAFSA information page.

To file your FAFSA, go to SAU’s school code is 002318

How do I drop a class?

Email your Academic Advisor with your request to drop a class. Include your name and student ID number using your SAU email address.

How long will it take for a tuition credit to appear on my account after I drop a course?

Please allow two weeks from the date of drop/withdrawal for the tuition credit to appear on your account.

Will dropping a course affect my financial aid?

Financial aid is based on the number of credits you are enrolled in, so adjustments may need to be made to your financial aid if you drop a course. This could result in a balance owed on your student account.

I am filing my income taxes. How do I access the total amount of tuition paid per calendar year?

Copies of your 1098T forms are available by logging in to MySAU and going to the “Student” tab. Copies of your statements showing payments made on your account can be found by logging in to MySAU and going to the “Student” tab. Choose “View My Balance/Statement.”

Adult and Graduate Students


How do I view a copy of my statement?

Log in to MySAU. Choose the “Student” tab and then go to “View My Balance/Statement”

What is the difference between Current Balance and Anticipated Account Balance?

Current Balance is the amount reflected on your student account at that time. Anticipated Account Balance is the amount that is expected after pending financial aid.

Why is the amount of student loan applied to my student account less than the amount I borrowed

Loan fees are deducted prior to disbursement of a loan to SAU. Loan fees are charged by the government to cover costs associated with supporting the federal loan program.

Why does my balance show a minus sign (-) in front of it?

This indicates that we anticipate that there will be an overage on your student account once loans, grants, scholarships, etc. are posted.

What are the tuition rates?

For the most up to date information regarding tuition, see the adult and professional tuition rates or the graduate tuition rates.


How do I make a payment?

Payment can be made the following ways:

  • In person at an SAU regional location or the Spring Arbor Business Office
  • Mailed to the Business Office at P.O. Box 219, Spring Arbor, Michigan 49283
  • Pay online

When is my payment due?

Payment is due 7 days prior to the first day of class within the semester.

Can I make monthly payments on my student account balance?

An interest free monthly payment plan option is available for current students through CASHNet. A payment plan with monthly payments for a semester has an enrollment fee of $30.00. To set up a payment plan, log in to your student portal, choose “Students” tab then go to “Make a Payment/Payment Plan”. Additional information is available by contacting your Student Account Coordinator listed in the upper right corner of your statement.


How will I receive my credit balance?

Spring Arbor University delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit:

Why hasn’t my credit balance been released to BMTX, Inc.?

Please verify that you have completed MPN and EC, as they are required before a student loan may be completed.  If completed, and you still have questions, please contact [email protected] for an update.


How do I contact the Financial Aid Office?

You can reach the Office of Financial Aid by calling 517.750.2900

How do I file my FAFSA?

To file your FAFSA, go to SAU’s school code is 002318

How do I drop a class?

Email your Academic Advisor with your request to drop a class. Include your name and student ID number using your SAU email address.

How long will it take for a tuition credit to appear on my account after I drop a course?

Please allow two weeks from the date of drop/withdrawal for the tuition credit to appear on your account.

Will dropping a course affect my financial aid?

Financial aid is based on the number of credits you are enrolled in, so adjustments may need to be made to your financial aid if you drop a course. This could result in a balance owed on your student account.

I am filing my income taxes. How do I access the total amount of tuition paid per calendar year?

Copies of your 1098T forms are available by logging in to MySAU and going to the “Student” tab. Copies of your statements showing payments made on your account can be found by logging in to MySAU and going to the “Student” tab. Choose “View My Balance/Statement.”